Dirtie Dog of the Year 2020 Trophy Sponser

Image made by Marika of Dirtie Dog Photography

Image made by Marika of Dirtie Dog Photography

Dirtie Dog Photography of Seattle, Washington is hosting a Dirty Dog of the Year contest. Where we have been asked to create the trophy. We wanted to make something really cool, but still at least resemble a trophy. The design shows off some of the ability of the 3D printer to achieve unique geometries. The final design will also incorporate the winning dog fully custom modeled atop the trophy, and will be fully hand painted by our talented artist. The trophy is robust and beautiful only befitting of the Dirtie Dog of the Year.

Along with the prizes mentioned in the prize description for the contest, 2nd and 3rd place contestants will receive $75 off of their dog modeled, while the remaining contestants receive $50 off.

Go vote for your favorite dog now before the contest ends (March 9th at 11:59 PST)!


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